Our Story

In 2020 as theatres went dark and closed their doors across the country due to the pandemic, West End actors Laurence Pears and Darren Seed returned to their homeland of Cornwall and to the roots of what theatre is.. Storytelling.

“They can’t close our doors ‘cause we don’t have any!”

Jam First Theatre was born out of the first lockdown. Our aim was to write and produce high quality physical shows in a unique style for socially distanced audiences. 

The company was completed by the arrival of Ellie Leah, another West End actor who sat down to watch a rehearsal one day and ended up becoming the resident director!

Jam First’s unique style of theatre offers something quirky, blending physical comedy, mime, live music and storytelling. In 2021 we became the first ever theatre company to appear at The Watering Hole, Peranporth and Old Bakery Studios, Truro. And have since perfomed for The Pleasance Courtyard, Edinburgh FringeInto Bodmin and Falmouth International Arts Festival.

Our performances have been described as hilarious, rambunctious, comic, anarchic and most of all fun!