
Current Show


Jago Clemo is out of luck and the devil knows it...
Down at his local pub, furloughed and frustrated, Jago will bet on any game going… Unfortunately, so will the Devil!
A rip roaring, irreverent and wickedly funny show that takes you from Heaven to Hell (and back again!)
Settle back for a power hour of theatre
Definitely not for kids!

Audience Quotes

“ Thank goodness I wore my Tena Knickers! "

“ My ribs are still aching from laughing! "

“ It was fabulous! (Fern Britton) "

“ We never stopped laughing from beginning to end. Your energy was fantastic and we had a good laugh at the naughtiness! "

“ This is NOT to be missed!! So much energy and laughter! "



Following on from the success of our sell out show 'Elfish', our two hungry Knockers are up to their usual tricks and have managed to break out of the mines to find themselves on a summer adventure up on ground level to stop their tummy's rumbling! Full of magic, mayhem and mischief! Suitable for ages 4-104.

Audience Quotes

“ Loved it! It should be on TV!! "

“ Crazy good! "

“ Fantastic fun for all the family "

“ Amazing show, laughed my bum off! "

“ It was fabulous! Thank you!!! "

“ Brilliantly inventive throughout. Go see it!! "



If you're in need of a healthy dollop of silliness and magic this season, then be prepared to laugh your baubles off and enjoy 50 minutes of Christmas craziness with Jam First Theatre's Christmas Comedy Cracker 'Elf..ish!'. For ages 4 to 104!

"If you're sitting comfortably
Upon your theatre seat
I'd like to tell you an Elfish tale
One I think you'll find a treat
Have you ever met a knocker?
Cornwall's answer to an Elf
They're very very silly, if I do say so myself!"

Audience Quotes

“ Definitely grab tickets. What a show!! Our grandchildren and us are still laughing!! "

“ I laughed so hard my head nearly fell off! "

“ Hilarious, proper belly laughs..Thank you!! "

“ Fabulous show for all the family. Such fun and lots of laughter "

“ Brilliant! Didn't stop laughing! "

“ Loved every minute! Grab those tickets immediately - if there are any left! "
